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The future tense

Past = yesterday was Sunday
Present = Today is Monday
Future = Tomorrow

I will go to church on Sunday
Tom will not go to stadium next Saturday.
The contracted form is: will =‘ll; will not = won't


My mother will go to Paris in December.
My mother’ll go to Paris in December.

The teacher will cook rice and groundnut soup tomorrow.
The teacher’ll rice.

I will go to the hospital tomorrow.
I'll go to the hospital.

My grand mother will not go to the market on Thursday.
My grand mother won't go to the market.

I will buy a house next year.
I'll buy a house.


Will + verb (SF)
sentence: S + will + V(SF) + C

Peter will go to the theatre on Saturday.

Interrogative form

Peter will go to the theatre on Saturday.
Will Peter go to the theatre...?

Tom will not go the stadium on Wednesday.
Will Tom not go the stadium on Wednesday?
Won’t Tom go to the stadium on Wednesday?

Will you buy a new English book next week?


My mother will not go to Paris in December.
The teacher will not cook rice
I will go to the hospital
I won't go to the market
I will not buy a house
my grand mother won't go to the market.

The future tense

To find the future, we put
Will + verb

the order of words in a sentence in future is S + Will + Verb + C.
I will go to school. in the interrogative will take the 1st place. Will + S + Verb (S.F) + C

Peter will go to Paris
Will Peter go to Paris?
Will I go to school?
Will you go to the market tomorrow?

Questions with question words. There are a few question words = what, why, who, when, where, which, whose, how old, how far.

When will Peter go to Paris?
Where will Peter go?
What will Peter do in Paris?
When will you go to your new house?

Question word + will. S + Verb + (C)

Will means: promise to, to be willing to
Won't means: to refuse

The contracted forms

The contracted forms of will is ’ll.
I'll go to church on Saturday.
The contracted form of will not is won't

The words order in question: Will + S + Verb(SF)
Won't + S + V(SF)

will Peter got o Paris ?
Yes, he will

Won't you go to the market tomorrow?
No, I won't.

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